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| 1 minute read

Content Best Practice: The power of the 'piece to camera' from leaders

Leaders need to move out of their comfort zone.  We all know this and most of the time we are pretty good at it however  I have been surprised by the number of Marketing and Comms people I talk to who say my Managing Partner would never do a piece to camera when it comes to content.  Often they will not even ask them.

My advice is to push back. Many of us are uncomfortable talking to a screen but needs must.  It is important for your clients and your colleagues to see you and it is not very hard to do.  Get on zoom and press record - speak for a couple of minutes.  Be authentic.  Simply be you.  Your audience is not massive but it is important.  It is all the people who make your business work - your clients, your prospects and your colleagues.

It is not impossible - it is just outside your comfort zone.  We have all had to change the way we work due to the pandemic.  Give it a go.  Check out the post below by one of our clients - Peter is Managing Partner at Anthony Collins Solicitors.  His piece to camera is a great invitation to an event he ran at the end of last year.  It is authentic, short, and was effective.  IT also took 10 mins to execute from the moment his marketing people told him it was a good idea!

Similarly, check out this video post by Senior Tax Partner Sara Maccallum at Boodle Hatfield.  Focused on the March 2021 budget Sara and her marketing team created this 6 minute video in 30 mins.  It was published on their website and shared on social within a few hours of the Chancellors budget speech in Parliament.  Timely, expert-led, authentic content executed quickly and easily - very effective at showcasing the expertise of their lawyer.

Join myself, Victoria Jardine and Sarah Patrice for an interactive Zoom round table event at midday on Monday 7 December, exploring the differences between the final version of the NHF Code and the previous draft Code and then discuss common implementation hurdles for housing associations. Click here to register.


content marketing, b2b marketing, e2e