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The 4 Most Important B2B Digital Trends from 2020

To say that 2020 has altered how we interact with the world would be an understatement. Existing digital trends have been exponentially accelerated, and new trends have been thrust upon us. 

Whether it's the abrupt arrival of the WFH work-style, the growth of e-commerce, or the shifts in supply chains, businesses are faced with a multitude of developments driven by digital transformations. So, with so many trends having emerged in 2020, which should B2B organisations and leaders be taking note of?

1. Business ranked as the most trusted source of information

Business has once again been rated as the most trusted source of information according to the 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer. With anxiety around misinformation at an all time high, knowledge-based businesses are presented with the opportunity to become 'information guardians' by providing their customers and audience with concrete, reliable insights and facts and in doing so, demonstrating their expertise in their market.

2. The virtual landscape has replaced the physical one

Face-to-face meetings have been replaced by video calls, high street retail demand shifted towards digital retail, and traditional healthcare was supplemented and even replaced by digital tele-healthcare platforms. Innovations in digital technology have become crucial for day-to-day business operations and communications, and for the foreseeable future, remain so.

3. Business leaders have engaged directly with their audience

Many industry experts, thought leaders, and executives have communicated with their audience and clients directly through social media. After all, B2B transactions don't only happen at an organisational level, but on an individual scale between two people. Therefore, business leaders have been able to reach their audiences in an authentic and powerful way, whilst exhibiting their knowledge during a time where being front-of-mind for customers has never been more important.

4. The value of social communities

With the lines of communication between businesses and customers muddied, many organisations have focused their efforts on building strong, direct customer relationships in order to build a social community around their brand. 

We’ve seen life and work move online, demand for action in areas, such as data privacy, misinformation, trust in digital platforms, brand safety and inclusivity, a wide-spread embrace of touchless technology, the acceleration of social audio platforms and the growing influence of creators and niche communities

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marketing, professional services, b2b, digital transformation