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CMO Series EP28 - Angela Quinn of Husch Blackwell on aligning your firm around the client experience

A legal client's experience is defined by conversations between individuals, one-to one-emails and all the small micro-interactions that happen every day between that client and their law firm. This creates an unenviable challenge of CMOs, CBDOs and Chief Client Officers. No matter how sound your client experience strategy is, the entire firm at all levels needs to commit to it for it to be successful. 

Will Eke is lucky to be joined by Angela Quinn, Chief Client Officer at Husch Blackwell, in this special edition of the CMO Series. Angela takes a deep-dive into the firm's Power of One initiative, sharing insight on how it helped achieve a better experience for their clients.

Together, they explore:

  • What the Power of One initiative was and how it came about
  • The expectations of the event and the outcomes for client experience
  • How to ensure that everyone is contributing to and engaging with the initiative
  • Key elements of the event that contributed to its success
  • Outcomes of the event 12 months on, and its impact on the firm
  • Advice for others looking to bring their firm together around the client experience
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