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| 2 minute read

ESG Summit round-ups, nurturing talent, & creating content strategies | Passle Insiders Club 🐙

We were very happy to attend the ESG Summit in London, organised by PSMG last week. Focusing on the topic on every law firm’s lips right now, keynote sessions came from inspiring deep-thinkers in the ESG arena, including Dan Kayne (Aka the O-shaped professional, who joined us on the podcast last year), Alexander Rhodes and Pamela Cone. This set the tone for thought-provoking workshops throughout the day covering the challenges, and opportunities currently facing firms as they get to grips with their own ESG strategies.

Our signature octopus were of course there too!

Our ESG Summit Roundups 🌏

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More Insights from the Passle team

The CMO Series Podcast: Marianne Talbot 🎙

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Jennifer Green is delighted to welcome Marianne Talbot, Chief Marketing & Business Development Officer at Bailey & Glasser LLP to talk about her experiences in nurturing and motivating the great people she’s had the pleasure of working with during her extensive career in law.

Together they delve into the philosophies, lessons and stories from one of legal marketing's most inspirational leaders.

A transcript of this episode is also available. 

Listen to the episode here.

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Insights from the Passle Community 💡

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marketing, professional services, insidersclub, esg