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Passle's New CMS Integration

Content created on Passle used to sit as part of part of a built for purpose content hub powered by the Passle platform. In the last few years, we've been working hard to give clients more control over how they use their content, where it sits and how it looks.

What began with the Passle design tool & embed plugin has developed into a fully fledged API based integration with most content management systems including WordPress, Sitecore and Umbraco. 

Content created on Passle can be synced with very little effort directly into a content management system (CMS), meaning that the content can be styled any way you choose and be delivered anywhere across the firm's digital landscape.

What this means for firms is that steady flow of Passle content can enrich the firms entire online presence as the highly knowledgeable authors using Passle have a safe and secure gateway to communicate to the market under the firm's brand.

This also gives agency partners a huge differentiator during web projects, with the ability to deliver a proven, professional services specific engine to handle the most difficult parts of managing a long term web presence.

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e2e, marketing, professional services