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| 1 minute read

Storytelling Builds Brand and Culture

Storytelling seems to to keep cropping up wherever I go in the world of law and it can be used in very powerful ways.  I reported a few weeks ago on a great session at the LMA annual conference on using storytelling to influence and engage with key audiences and so it linked nicely to a recent PM forum article that caught my eye by Allan Schoenberg (Chief Communications Office at US law firm Vinson & Elkins).

Allan first emphasises the fact that he has a broad role but it is 'tied together' with a very strong BD relationship that helps align and position all departments for the future.  Allan believes in the power of storytelling to build brand, culture and shape the direction in which a firm is heading- even one that has over 100 years in the market like V&E.  Below I have highlighted some of Allan's key points:

  • Known for its pedigree in energy, V&E use storytelling to shine a light on other less well known areas of the business that are also hugely successful
  • Thinking like a business advisory firm helps produce business solutions before the legal side kicks in
  • Brand shifts take time.  Repetition internally and externally really are key and this works well with a change in narrative to build more thematic content for clients.
  • Content has to work together across channels to create long-lasting impact
  • Lawyers are great at sharing knowledge and are some of the smartest people in the world.  We need to use them as this knowledge is what our clients want.
  • Storytelling underpins the V&E culture- we live it.
  • Personal Stories are a great way to drive authentic content that is true to a law firms culture.
  • No End point to a firms culture.  It should be constantly evolving with technology and every twist of the economic landscape.

In conclusion, Allan believes there has never been a better time to work in a communications role and the future is all about leveraging the best content to help build long-lasting relationships with clients and each other.

we focus on leveraging the best content over months – and remember, it’s about building long-lasting relationships with clients and each other.”

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storytelling, lawfirms, e2e, professional services, marketing, best practice