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Macfarlanes' experience adopting Passle

The Lawyer Awards named Macfarlanes as the "City Law Firm of The Year for 2023".

The firm operates offices in the UK and EU where they offer a distinct depth and breadth of services with an entrepreneurial approach and emphasis on firm culture.

Macfarlanes adopted Passle in 2019, going from strength to strength with the software, thanks largely to the efforts of Gemma Lyon and her team.

Gemma Lyon is Head of Marketing Communications at Macfarlanes, we spoke to her about what it is like adopting Passle.

"So I think we were one of your early adopters of Passle.

We bought it in, in 2019, so we've been using it for about four years. 

Our lawyers absolutely love it. It's such easy software to use and quite often our lawyers will come to us and say they want to do a Passle, which is to them, synonymous with doing marketing.

So I think that's a sign of, how popular it is across the firm."


e2e, professional services, marketing, passletestimonial