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| 1 minute read

Passle Enterprise or Digital Transformation Suite?

Here at Passle, our ambition has been to produce a best-in-class content marketing platform specifically built for the needs of professional services firms.

Over the past few years, we've worked alongside firms like Deloitte, Ropes and Gray, Freshfields and more. We've built all the learnings and best practices from the world's top thought leadership programs into the Passle platform so that all firms can benefit.

This approach has allowed us to create two specific plans to fit the needs of different types of firms; Digital Transformation Suite and Enterprise. We've tried to lay out in simple terms what each of them is and the key differences below:

Digital Transformation Suite

The Digital Transformation Suite has all of the backend features of Passle: self-service content creation, approvals, distribution and feedback, but also uses a quick and highly flexible templating system to display your content.


Speed to market - A new instance of the Digital Transformation Suite can be made live within two weeks, with the Experts trained up on the platform and ready to go.

Fully featured - The Digital Transformation Suite has a number of in-built features, such as Featured Posts, Topic Clusters and speed, accessibility and SEO optimisations as standard.

Flexible templates - Using our Custom Design Tools, templates can be easily and instantly updated as your requirements change.


Enterprise also has all of the backend features of Passle: self-service content creation, approvals, distribution and feedback, but it also allows for the content to be synchronised within your Content Management System. Effectively the Passle content becomes ‘native’ within your CMS.


Perfect brand fit - As the content is delivered through your website, the look and feel can be exactly as you want it.

Multiple content templates - Using tags the content can be routed in your CMS to any template (news, insights and white papers might all have different templates for example).

Site search - As the content is ‘native’ within the CMS, full site search is enabled, in most cases, by default.

Search Engine Optimisation - Although Google would dispute it, some SEO firms suggest that using sub-directories rather than sub-domains is beneficial. Enterprise enables the use of sub-directories.

All the content in one place - Content from different sources, including Passle and the CMS, can be blended and delivered together so your web team can worry less about technology and more about the user experience and marketing outcomes. 

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e2e, professional services, marketing, product