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LinkedIn for Lawyers

At our last business we had a decent-sized patent portfolio. Each year we handed over many tens of thousands of the Queen's sterling to our patent guy at a major US/UK law firm. One day he upped sticks and went to a new much smaller and less established firm.

Without blinking we moved our entire portfolio with him. Which is to say, people employ lawyers not law firms.

LinkedIn, which is at core a CV/Resume posting service, allows you to be found on the web with your specialisms high-lighted. Its not very fun, it looks pretty horrid but it is the absolute minimum that every lawyer (indeed every professional) should have.

For a living, breathing version that really shows you know your stuff, you really should be using Passle!

There are three core features of LinkedIn—profiles, connections and participation. If you understand that all three exist, you are well on your way to increasing the benefits this platform can bring you. Profiles represent the resumé or biography component of LinkedIn. The platform provides tools to create a detailed, living bio that includes standard resumé material like education and experience as well as summaries, further details, and links to your website and other material. If you Google your name, you might well find your LinkedIn profile among the top results.

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professional services marketing, lawyers, law, linkedin, social media