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Predictions for Video Content 2017 and how one Corporate Finance firm is ahead of the rest...

There have been many articles in the last couple of months looking at how video content will continue to become even more important in 2017. I like the article referenced below from Prodo Digital. They predict these 5 video content tactics will take centre stage:

1. Use Facebook live

2. Create Landing Page Videos

3. Create Product Explainer Videos

4. Use Snapchat

5. Document, don't create

In the last year two of my clients have been working together on video creation - Tinker Taylor created marketing videos for Catalyst Corporate Finance. Catalyst Corporate Finance use video throughout their site to provide not just a company overview but also a detailed explanation of their niche expertise (eg selling your company & Partnering with Equity)  and to showcase specific deal case studies (eg Catalyst and itg).

I think this is a great case study of how a B2B professional service firm is using video as 'hero content'. Not sure if they are going to be doing too much with Snapchat or Facebook any time soon  but they have nailed providing effective, informative, high quality resources to clients and prospects.  

2017 should be the year you start using the channel of video to your advantage. With the constant rise of video across multiple platforms, it’s been the favoured marketing channel for 2016 and this is sure to continue in 2017. It’s now January and there’s a lot more to see from video, so here are our five predictions for the big video content tactics you should be implementing this year.

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content marketing, b2b marketing, video content