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| 1 minute read

Content creation and the power of flattery

Write nice things to, and about, the people you want to influence. This advice fits perfectly with the great quotes below. Check them out: Joe Girard was named 'the greatest car salesman in history' by The Guinness Book of World Records and Robert Cialdini is the well know author of the book Influence - The psychology of persuasion

So what can you do with this advice? How can you use your posts to help you influence / sell to clients and prospects?  

The following are tactics I have tried here at Passle Towers with success:

  • Follow those you are targeting on social media. Follow both the firm and the individual on LinkedIn and on Twitter. Sign up to any newsletters they create.  
  • Be sure to check out any 'hero' content their firm creates. White papers, reports, surveys etc
  • If you see content from any of these sources use it in your posts. Be sure to name check the individuals and the firms on your target list. Add value to what they have stated and ensure they see it.  
  • If you can, be nice and flatter your target. Everyone likes it when someone says something nice about them.
  • Go to the events that your target, their firm, or your targets' clients are presenting at or hosting. Again be sure to write a post about what you heard and what you learnt at the event. Name check and praise them. Check out this post about GDPR I wrote. I did not go to this event just because I wanted to learn more about GDPR. I had specific targets in mind. It worked. Creating this post led to a number of opportunities and two deals.
  • In your posts be sure to quote your target if you can. 

Give it a go and let me know how you get on.  We are learning all the time about how to disrupt the traditional sales process.

Joe Girard is the Guinness Book of World Records’ “greatest car salesman”. He alone sold more cars than 95% of all dealerships in America, more than 13,000 cars from 1963–1977 (14 years). 13,000 cars ≃ 13,000 customers. Car salesmen like Joe didn’t have the benefits of email drip campaigns to check in on customers after their first months, nor the ability to retweet a customer’s love of their new SUV. Despite this hurdle, Joe set the standard for customer success with one old school strategy: He sent each of his customers a letter once a month, and in each note, he hand wrote, “I like you.” ..... “We are phenomenal suckers for flattery. Although there are limits to our gullibility… we tend, as a rule, to believe praise and to like those who provide it” - Robert Cialdini

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content marketing, b2b marketing, e2e, cialdini, influence, target audience, persuasion