We heard so much about GDPR in 2017 but it always seemed so far away so how many people and companies started to take action? A survey by Imperva, quoted in the IT Pro article below, found that while most of the IT security professionals had heard of GDPR, less than half had started taking action. Have you started taking action in the area that GDPR affects your department? There's only 140 days to go!
Here at Passle, we have spent a lot of 2017 looking at how GDPR affects us and all of our clients that use Passle. We have drawn on some expert legal advice and even put in place a GDPR Compliance Officer to ensure that everything we offer our clients is all GDPR ready.
See GDPR as a Positive Thing
For us and for our clients, GDPR is now an opportunity for the Business Development and Marketing teams to ensure they are talking to and influencing the right people. Make this a positive thing. It's a time to look at our database of prospects and see who is engaging with our content and who is not. If they are not, then clear them out. If they are, and they have not yet "double opted-in" then make it easy for them to do so and start that process now. If what you are communicating is useful, expert-led and ultimately helps them do their job more effectively then there is a very strong chance they will want you to communicate with them going forward.

Start Taking Action Today - 140 Days to Go
May 25th is going to creep up pretty quickly so start taking action now. Start giving those that you communicate with on a regular basis the opportunity to double-opt in. Do it a number of times over the next 140 days so that you do not panic send to all on the 24th May an email begging them to double opt-in!
Good luck for 2018 and the year of GDPR!