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| 1 minute read

Bridging the Gap between your Online & In-Person Customer Experience

The way you market online should aim to replicate what your successful client-meetings look like. Ultimately you want to deliver a seamless customer experience wherein your digital marketing supports your sales process. 

You wouldn't expect your subject-matter experts to turn up for a meeting unprepared and talk about topics unrelated to the challenges facing your clients. It therefore doesn't make sense to do this when communicating with your clients online. 

Personalising your digital customer journey can bridge this gap between your online and in-person customer experience.

This transformation has already taken place in the world of B2C and is certainly no new phenomena. Whilst the stats below and TEDx Talk with Nicole Martin focus on the consumer-led side of digital marketing, each also apply to the expectations customers have from their suppliers. 

Where to start then when it comes to delivering a successful online experience? Ask your clients. As Nicole suggests, be transparent with how you are going to use client-data and that your ultimate goal is to deliver a more relevant, bespoke and personalised service. 

What next? Ask them again. This interview on data privacy with Steve Jobs is brilliant and reinforces the sentiment that it is your responsibility to be transparent! You need to make sure it is clear what people are signing up for and that they have the ability to easily update your preferences. 

At Passle, we have been building a new communication tool which tailors the way content is distributed to align with the preferences of your audience. More to follow on this exciting new update soon... 

73% of consumers prefer to do business with brands that use personal information to make their shopping experiences more relevant (Digital Trends) 86% of consumers say personalisation plays a role in their purchasing decisions (Infosys)

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content marketing, b2b marketing, e2e, personalisation, hyper-personalisation, email marketing, digital marketing, customer experience, customer engagement, customer journey