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| 1 minute read

Sainsbury's Yuletide Clementine Scandal!

Sainsbury's transported Metro readers across the UK into the sixties this morning with their latest Christmas campaign.

The supermarket giant gave readers a taste of their heritage as they celebrate their 150th Christmas in business with the entrancing tear-jerker story featuring Nicholas the Sweep. The 4-page campaign is a sequel to their Christmas television advert which tells the story of what is said to be the "greatest crime of 1869". Nine-year-old Nicholas is wrongfully banished for stealing a clementine from the family-owned store, Sainsbury's. As the tale unfolds and all seems glum for Nicolas, Mary-Anne Sainsbury brings some Christmas cheer to the story and saves the day! 

A few takeaways from the campaign worth thinking about when creating content:

Pushing content out across multiple platforms is key 

The supermarket has made use of various mediums including their website, social media, print, and television to ensure that it's wide and diverse target market are reached.

A good story goes a long way

Grabbing the attention of their audience with their captivating Dickensian-style story keeps readers and viewers alike engaged and curious. This is a great example of using content to promote your brand as opposed to simply pushing your offering. 

Leave them wanting more

 Initially, I fell right into the trap of wanting to know more after reading the article on the front page and immediately did my due diligence online. After a quick Google search, I landed on the Sainsburys website and got to watch the video and then see the Christmas offers up for grabs. This is a great example of how a campaign can be used to direct traffic back to your website and get your products and services in front of your clients and prospects. 

Watch the Sainsbury's Christmas video campaign here to see more juicy content. 

Wishing you a very merry Christmas season!

Sainsbury's 150th anniversary Christmas advert imagines humble beginnings of chimney sweep Nicholas

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