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| 1 minute read

Using a diverse cross-section of your firm’s lawyers to generate content more effectively

When running a content programme, many clients ask who is best positioned to write good content. The initial thought is to get senior partners to write content, because they have the most experience and therefore the most expertise to share in that area.

However, we have learnt through our clients that the most effective way to produce content is to utilise a cross-section of your firm’s experts. 

The key advantages of doing this are:

1. Partners are often very time poor and ultimately they are responsible for bringing in the revenue, therefore a firm should not solely rely on partners to generate content 

2. Associates and Senior Associates are actively involved in a wide range of the firm’s activities and already have an in-depth knowledge of expertise which is valuable. They have plenty of knowledge to be creating and sharing content within their network

3. Many law firms empower their “Future Leaders” who aspire to become a partner by giving them the platform to create content. This enables them to build their online profile and their personal network, which in turn helps with their career progression through the firm. This is beneficial for the law firm especially in attracting talent through showcasing their willingness as a firm to invest in their associates.

4. Associates can co-author with partners to help with content creation. A great example of this is DLA Piper where the Head of the Media Sports and Entertainment team Nicholas Fitzpatrick put together this podcast post with Senior Associate Alasdair Muller who he works closely with.

5. Whilst law firms are progressing, partnership teams tend to follow predictable age, sex and background trends. By opening up content creation to a cross-section of the firm, you show a much more diverse and true to reality look for the firm. This has the added benefit of opening new perspectives in the content you are producing.

In summary, we know from our clients that the most effective way to produce high quality and relevant content on a consistent basis is to utilise a cross-section of your firm’s lawyers whilst empowering your "Future Leaders" to share their expertise.

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content marketing, b2b marketing, e2e, legal, best practice, diversity and inclusion