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PRODUCT UPDATE: What's New from Passle?- Frangelico

As the winter months draw in, we at Passle have been busy updating our website with some exciting new features.
Our latest update is named Frangelico, the dark and sweet spirit in time for the colder days.

All of these features have now been deployed to Passle. If you want to learn more about the updates or have any questions, please feel free to contact the Passle Client Success Team.

New embed plugin  

Following on from our j-query plugin, our new embed plugin has now been updated to match our DTS version's of Passle and easy to use features. It also comes with a new plugin test page that allows you to perfect the plugin before installing on your own site.

Adding users through CSV

Our latest update means you can now quickly add users through a CSV file straight into Passle. The page will show an example format for the CSV file and how to quickly upload lists of users and allow your company to hit the ground running.

Passle API V2

Our new API features more end-points, allowing users to pull more information from our system  to their company websites, including pictures, videos and stats.

Example calls:

Get Post Stats - Returns a list of data for all posts within a client.
Get User Stats 
- Returns a list of data for all users within a client

Mark 2 Passle design updates

After feedback from our clients, we are happy to have implemented some features to make designing and managing your Passle easier. Including:

  • The option to hide tags for posts
  • Toggle between a 2 post or three post layout design

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