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| 1 minute read

3 Easy Ways to Optimise your LinkedIn Presence

It has never been more important to be seen online by the people that matter. But increasing your visibility online doesn't have to require a complex digital marketing strategy, or an extensive social media advertising budget. One of most effective (and easiest) ways to build an online presence is through LinkedIn, a platform that boasts over 675 million monthly users from around the world. We've taken 3 top tips from LinkedIn expert, Stefanie Marrone, on how to maximise your visibility on LinkedIn in order to build your presence online.

1. Build a strong profile

The best place to start when building an effective presence on LinkedIn is with your profile. This is the first place that potential followers and connections will visit when they want to find out more about you, so it is important that your profile effectively communicates your personal brand and showcases your expertise.

From uploading a professional profile and impactful banner image, to featuring 'hero' posts that you want to prominently display for visitors, there are many simple ways that you can optimise your profile to create a strong, foundation for your LinkedIn presence. You can download our guide on How to Become a LinkedIn Superherowhich outlines the 10 steps to building an impressive profile.

2. Identify 'content pillars' that you want to be known for

Think about what you want to be known for in your industry, and identify 'content pillars' around this. A simple way to do this is by listening to your market and talking to your clients to identify pain-points and topics they are most interested in. An easy but effective rule of thumb to follow is create content addressing the most frequently asked question that you received that week. Your content should then be structured around these topics. Using tools like Google Alerts, or following a simple content planner are also very effective ways to generate and structure your posts.

3. Follow up with those liking and engaging with your content

Be strategic with following up with those that like or comment on your content. This not only improves the performance of your posts, but is an opportunity to begin a discussion with a key contact or potential client.

You can read our recent post on How to Master the LinkedIn Algorithm if you would like to learn more about how to optimise the visibility and performance of your LinkedIn posts.

LinkedIn can help you amplify your personal brand and build your network AND your business. That’s a compelling reason to use it especially as we have pivoted to an even more online business culture since the pandemic.

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e2e, marketing, professional services, best practice, linkedin