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| 2 minute read

Newsletters, Newsletters, Newsletters - Differentiating your B2B Newsletter from the Crowd 📩

Creating content is a powerful habit to develop. Clients will begin to seek your expertize, cross-referencing their own perspectives, and empowering them to implement changes across their businesses. There are many channels you can leverage when it comes to sharing your insights with your audience. Following the Create Once Publish Everywhere (COPE) framework, a B2B newsletter can become a useful medium for sending your content directly into the inboxes of your key clients and prospects. 

The big caveat when it comes to newsletters is making sure that they remain authentic and relevant. This may mean drilling them down to a practice/industry level, or even as we've seen from many clients, making client-specific newsletters.

How to Create a Newsletter?

You're likely thinking that your newsletter is going to take forever to develop.

However, if you're already creating content on a regular basis, the majority of the heavy-lifting will already be done by the time you come around to sharing your newsletter over email.

You can use services like Hubspot, Canva, Mailchimp, Campaign Monitor etc. which all have prepopulated templates available to you to make beautiful, seamless newsletters. Alternatively, you can leverage service providers who focus on the legal industry including the likes of Vuture & Concep

Once you've selected your platform, the next step is organizing your content. Passle users are lucky because we have a newsletter function that allows you to select your date range, pick specific tags, and you will find your content generated into text that's hyperlinked to each of your posts. 

If you're not using Passle, you can highlight the headlines of your content, create 1-2 sentences for each item on your newsletter, and include somewhere between 4-8 subject points/posts. Depending on the subject-matter and frequency of the newsletter, you can include things like upcoming events, topical insights, major announcements, industry news, and podcasts - essentially content you know will resonate with your newsletter audience. 

One Step Further: Automated Digests 

Ready to supplement your bespoke newsletters? Some clients and readers (especially colleagues) may want an automated overview of the content you are publishing. Many blogs will have an RSS feed that you can sign up to get push notifications when content is being published. 

Others, including Passle users, provide the option of subscribing to specific topics. 

Using our tool Client Connect, you can invite people to subscribe to channels from your blog. This allows your clients to stay in the loop on topics like ESG, or Youth Service Organizations. These auto-populated newsletters can make it into your clients' inboxes daily, weekly, or monthly (we recommend weekly or monthly). You can also allow your clients to subscribe to specific authors putting them very much in control. So if Jane Smith is writing every week, and you love her writing style and methodology, you can subscribe to her content for a constant drip or all things Jane.

If you're curious about any of the above, give your client success representative an e-mail, and they can walk you around all the capabilities that best suit your content marketing objectives. 

The big caveat when it comes to newsletters is making sure that they remain authentic and relevant. This may mean drilling them down to a practice/industry level, or even as we've seen from many clients, making client-specific newsletters.

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e2e, marketing, professional services, best practice, newsletters, email marketing