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#LMA2023 Must Attend Session: Driving Successful and Impactful Content Marketing: 4 Steps to Stand Out in the Crowd

If you have heard Julia Bennett, CMO at Brown Rudnick and Kelly Harbour, CMO at Goulston & Storrs speak before then you already know the session they are leading at Legal Marketing Association Conference in Florida on Tuesday, Apr 25 at 3:30 PM is one not to miss! If you have not, and you are yet to add this session to your LMA itinerary, then do so now!!

This interactive session, chaired by Passle's Eugene McCormick and Freddy Dobinson, will provide practical takeaways and a clear road map to achieve your Marketing and Business Development goals. Demonstrating how to empower your lawyers to efficiently create effective and impactful thought leadership, the session will importantly highlight how to use your thought leadership program to drive business growth.

Content marketing is a key element of almost all Marketing & Business Development strategies. Yet, law firms of all sizes often struggle to set up an effective program that helps their firm to stand out in the market. Drawing from their hands-on strategic experience, Julia and Kelly will share the four key steps for success, from activating your lawyers' online presence through to delivering personalized feedback, this session will distil best practices from law firms leading the way. Furthermore, the session will arm you with all the insights you need to demonstrate how your firm can establish itself as the stand-out choice for your clients.

If you need to book your ticket for the Legal Marketing Association Annual Conference click here to register now.

See you in Hollywood Florida!!

Learning Outcomes: * Empower your professionals to create up-to-the-moment content that gets published quickly * Determine how to ensure that your content reaches the audiences that matter via targeted distribution *Demonstrate the impact of content marketing with personalized metrics

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e2e, professional services, marketing