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| less than a minute read

Yasmin's story - a day in the life of a Client Success Consultant at Passle Inc

To support us in our quest to hire a new member to our Client Success team, I sat down with our wonderful Yasmin Zand to learn about her journey so far as she celebrates her 1 year work anniversary in Client Success based Washington DC. 

This is a great listen for anyone considering applying to our live job vacancy as you get a glimpse as to what the role is really like by someone who has spent the past 12+ month months doing the job. Have a listen and reach out if you are keen to find out more about this fantastic opportunity. 

Here is the link to the job opportunity  -

 Client Success Consultant, Washington D.C / Maryland US 

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recruitment, peoplepodcast, e2e, inc, marketing, professional services, talent, working for passle