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CMO Series Martech Breakdown EP2 - Kyle Alexander of Upper Sigma on Salesforce in Professional Services Firms

Salesforce has become the pre-eminent CRM in the world. Nearly 150,000 companies use the cloud platform every day for their client relationship management.

To adapt this powerful platform to the unique challenges of professional services, Upper Sigma built a Salesforce extension to act as a purpose-built CRM. In this episode of the Martech Breakdown, we are joined by Kyle Alexander, Chief Technology Officer at Upper Sigma to dive into what a Salesforce extension is, how it works in Professional Services firms, and why it could be a powerful addition to a Martech stack.

The CMO Series Martech Breakdown

CMO Series Martech Breakdown explores the latest technologies and concepts of professional services marketing. We interview the experts in professional services martech, bringing marketers the knowledge they need to stay ahead of a fast-moving industry.

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e2e, professional services, marketing, martechbreakdown, composable