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| 1 minute read

Morris James put expertise at the heart of their website rebuild with Passle & LISI

Morris James has built its approach to digital marketing around showcasing the knowledge of its lawyers.

Dawn Sheiker, director of client relations, has been at the heart of this approach. Her efforts and those of the team at Morris James are positioning the firm as thought leaders and the best choice for clients and prospective clients.

With 70 lawyers spread across six offices, the firm sought to enhance content creation, empower their attorneys, and simplify the process of showcasing their expertise. Legal Internet Solutions Incorporated (LISI), the firm’s digital partner, played a crucial role in this transition.

Dawn Sheiker, Director of Client Relations at Morris James, highlighted the firm's focus on thought leadership. 

"We're focused on using thought leadership to inform clients about our services and respond to their needs. This approach helps us answer questions and build our brand effectively at the same time."

Robyn Addis, Chief Marketing and Business Development Officer at LISI, explained that incorporating Passle natively into the website’s CMS was a significant advantage. 

By directly incorporating Passle as part of the website CMS, Morris James has streamlined the content creation process. They have reduced the need for back-and-forth emails, accelerated publication, and maximized effective distribution.

Passle's metrics also offer Morris James valuable insights into content performance, helping them target specific audiences more effectively. By incorporating Passle into their digital strategy, Morris James has enhanced their thought leadership efforts and solidified their reputation as a trusted market leader.

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