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| 1 minute read

Research: Legal Marketing Leadership Survey 2024

We are really excited to be publishing the US & UK Legal Marketing Leadership Survey 2024, examining the evolving priorities of legal marketers across the US, UK and Canada.

You can get your copy of the research here.

Last year, we surveyed 200 General Counsels to understand their motivations and habits when assessing legal suppliers. This year, to follow up, we examined the insights of 100 Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) and 100 Managing Partners to get a better idea of the gap between marketing leaders, managing partners and, of course, what General Counsel want from their legal suppliers.

Some key highlights:

  • 75% of firms now have senior marketers on their boards, but only 20% of Managing Partners feel that marketing’s value is well understood within their firms. Despite the progress, only 18% of Managing Partners believe their firm’s marketing effectively showcases their expertise.
  • Top marketing goals are boosting online presence and establishing thought leadership. There's a shift towards digital media, content marketing, and media relations, while traditional advertising and sponsorships are becoming less important.
  • General Counsels (GCs) are increasingly interacting with firms online, with 86% checking supplier websites at least monthly, highlighting the need for a strong digital presence. However, creating effective thought leadership remains a challenge for many firms, requiring better collaboration and understanding.

We hope the Marketing Leadership Report offers food for thought for firms looking to better align marketing and the wider firm leadership with what General Counsels want to see.


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