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| 2 minute read

The one line that tripled law firm news digest subscriptions

Earlier this year, one of our clients saw the daily number of subscribers to their news digest increase by 250%, so we took note!

Passle is built from the ground up on the back of feedback and best practice from professional services firms.

Client Connect, our subscription feature, was built in 2020 to fulfill one client's request for an easy-to-use, automated preference centre that allowed their own clients, prospects and employees to receive the content they want to read, when they want to read it - directly to their inbox!

A surprisingly simple change to one line on every blog post drove such a dramatic spike.


By adding another opportunity for readers to subscribe at the end of their thought leadership pieces, this firm tapped in to UI best practice to increase their conversion of readers into subscribers. 

Inspired by this, our new product feature enables other Client Connect users to do the same. It's now quick and simple to add a custom sign-up link to the end of your Passle posts! 

Their success has been repeated at several other firms, with initial results showing immediate uplifts of subscribers.

UK & Global law firms have seen huge growth in their monthly subscription rates with this simple addition, ranging from 54% to 250% increases.


Most importantly, these aren't vanity subscribers, but from the most important clients and prospects for the success of these firms. They include General Counsel and senior leaders from Top 5 Entertainment Corporations, Leaders in Pharmaceuticals and International Financial Services Firms. 

With General Counsel spending upwards of eight hours per week consuming thought leadership, adding this line may make the difference between reaching these people at the right time and having your clients engaged by others.  

To learn more about how client success is driving more effective emails from firms, see the article here “How 19 top law and consulting firms tripled their email effectiveness overnight”

To enable this feature, or to find out more, contact your Client Success Consultant or contact us

Aim CTAs to appear alongside logical points when the reader's interest/action makes sense.

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admin, passle, e2e, best practice, marketing, professional services