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| 1 minute read

Introducing: CMO Series Rainmakers

In 2021, we launched the CMO Series Podcast to share insights from the brightest minds in professional services marketing and business development. We wanted to explore the successes and trends shaping the industry, and to understand the challenges facing legal marketers. We hoped that, in our small way, we'd help drive the industry forward.

4 years, 200+ episodes, two major conferences on two continents and 650,000 listens later, we're really proud of the community and what it has achieved. We’ve had the privilege of speaking with hundreds of marketing and BD leaders, and have covered topics ranging from generative AI and advertising to thought leadership, client feedback programs, and more.

As the CMO Series Podcast continues to grow, we’ve expanded it to include CMO Series REPRESENTS - a platform focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion - and CMO Series Digital Masterclass, where we explore the tactics needed to build a world-class digital presence. 

We’re excited to keep growing.

This year, we’re thrilled to announce a new addition: CMO Series Rainmakers. This series will spotlight how influential leaders on the legal side of firms - from lawyers to Managing Partners - have leveraged thought leadership to build their brands, strengthen client relationships, and drive revenue.

We aim to share insights from remarkable thought leadership, and inspiring others to contribute their thought leadership to the market. You'll hear topics like how thought leadership contributes to building personal and firm brands, its impact on career progression to partnership, and how it drives revenue growth and generates new business.

We’re very excited to kick off the series with Jeffrey Greenbaum, Managing Partner at FKKS, who joined us in New York to share his tips for mastering thought leadership for growth.

Stay tuned for more episodes coming soon!

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cmoseries, cmoseriesrainmakers, e2e, marketing, professional services