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| 3 minute read

Expert-to-Expert marketing must-reads

Expert to Expert marketing makes so much sense. As a concept, it is so simple and in practice, it is so effective. It isn't so easy to pick up and start running with though. You can't click a button and start an E2E strategy.

Whether you are learning about E2E yourself or looking to help others to understand the approach, the posts below should give a good insight into what E2E is, how to implement it and what to focus on.

What is Expert to Expert Marketing - Adam Elgar

We start with Adam Elgar’s brilliant post giving an overview of what E2E is and how it works. Adam introduces us here to some key concepts of E2E such as authenticity, timeliness, teamwork and consistency.

Expert to Expert Marketing, a new approach to winning business - Tom Elgar

Tom wrote this article for the marketing blog Spin Sucks. The central message of the article is that Business to Business is becoming more and more Person to Person. If you are trying to understand how E2E fits into a data-rich, technology-reliant marketing and sales process - this is a must-read.

Engaging your stakeholders through education - Ben Hammersley

Where businesses sell their knowledge directly, or use it as a differentiator, showcasing that knowledge is a must. In this post, Ben discusses how to show what you know through content. Engaging stakeholders becomes much easier when you follow Ben’s advice and talk about something they care about.

How to make employee advocacy work - David Kirk

Getting buy-in for an E2E strategy is essential for success. Employees need to understand the value of the approach before they can commit to producing content and engaging prospects. David talks in depth about how to gain buy-in from the firm and overcome one of the biggest barriers to success in an E2E strategy.

How to drive employee advocacy - learning from Commander’s Intent - Freddy Dobinson

If you’ve read the articles above this, you’ll know why E2E is important and will have started to plan the execution. Freddy takes us one step further in this post and explains how you should communicate, enable and empower team members to ensure your E2E strategy works.

How to align sales and marketing teams during your sales kickoff - David Kirk

Expert-to-Expert relies on sales, marketing and internal subject matter experts singing from the same hymn sheet. Sales, as the relationship holders, must educate and engage their prospects. Marketing acts as the facilitator, empowering sales and enabling the subject matter experts who themselves must produce insights based on feedback from the sales team. David talks here about how to bring these teams closer together.

The number 1 tip to make sure your Account Based Marketing Strategy is a success - Connor Kinnear

Connor’s post here about how to use your content succinctly addresses many of the core themes of E2E. He looks at how to use your content, how to ensure that you are authentic and personal and the one key tip authors should take note of when they are beginning their E2E journey.

Events - how to get the highest ROI for your firm - Freddy Dobinson

Freddy’s post here may seem oddly specific but it is actually a brilliant guide for any event. Events are often a significant expenditure for firms but offer an excellent opportunity to nurture E2E relationships. Freddy gives an easy to understand, step by step guide to getting the most out of an event. This article will help you build out your events plans.

Five things that make content good, how to get all five - Adam Elgar

This article is an absolute must for understanding effective content and Expert to Expert Marketing. Adam uses research from Edelman to identify what boxes you need to tick in your E2E strategy. If any one of these key factors is ignored your content is less likely to drive the business outcome you want.

B2B marketing metrics: 3 that matter & 3 that don’t - Sam Page

A bit of self-promotion here. Coming from a digital background made it hard initially to understand how to measure and optimise an E2E campaign. Expert to Expert has its own set of indicators and gauges. These metrics make a lot of sense and help cut through vanity metrics and meaningless numbers.

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content marketing, b2b marketing, e2e, expert-to-expert, marketing strategy