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| 1 minute read

Use Your Own Employees & Experts As The Magnet To Recruit Top Talent

2019 is upon us and candidates often use the festive break to assess and evaluate life with current employment normally high up the list.  Companies similarly look at Q1 and the start of the year with new budgets and strategy implemented, to start recruiting. 

Social media is being used more and more as the courting ground with this article from Forbes suggesting that the average person now has access to 5 social media accounts. 87% of recruiters now use LinkedIn to discover, nurture and approach candidates. 50% use Facebook. 

Successful recruitment often comes down to the following 4 factors that can be applied to both the candidate and the recruiter:

1/Brand- This can be applied to the recruiting companies brand and how it is perceived in the market place but also the personal brand of the candidate.

2/Efficiency- So important for both parties throughout the whole process but even more so in the initial stages making sure that the fit is right.

3/ Relationships- Recruiting is a sales process with both parties often selling to each other.  If a relationship has already been built before the process has begun it is the same as engaging with a buyer earlier in the sales cycle.

4/ Trust- This is often born out of point 3  but it can also come from a candidate engaging with an existing peer or expert at the company.

I saw a stat that I actually find quite believable 85% of the workforce are open to moving but only 12% are actively looking.  It makes absolute sense then that a lot of our tech and professional service clients are looking to build out a long term recruitment strategy by building talent pools of potential future employees. 

Technical experts, 'People like me' and Employees are 3 of the 5 most credible groups (according to 2018 Edelman research). What better way to engage your prospective staff than by empowering existing employees and experts within your company, to showcase their thoughts and ideas so that they influence and attract like-minded people much earlier on in their decision-making process?

Write content you think the audience you’re trying to reach would want to read. Example titles of articles that might entice the eyes of star talent might be, “Why Companies Need to Put Employees First,” or “Best Practices for Creating a Work Environment Worth Working In.” You can showcase the value you put on your staff while showing readers what it means to work for you.

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content marketing, b2b marketing, e2e, recruitment marketing, talent pool, talent acquisition