I meet with various prospects every month and there are a couple of recurring comments that always spring up when the L (Linkedin) word is brought up. The first being:
'We would love to get our experts using Linkedin more regularly'
And the other being the total opposite:
'Do people actually use Linkedin for business, we don't see the need?'
We have found across our client base, that no-one has ever really been trained on Linkedin but if they produce their own insights and content, then they will most certainly start sharing and therefore unlock the power of the platform as per my colleague Tom's article here
I always have some ammunition to come back with on the second question but I thought I would dig a bit deeper and found a great article by Maddy Osman that lists some brilliant facts about why individuals and companies should most definitely be using Linkedin. I have pulled out some of the best ones below:
1. Believe it or not Linkedin has been around for 17 years!
2. Linkedin has over 575 million users with 260 million active each month
3. 40% access it on a daily basis
4. Millennials make up 38% of the user base
5. Hubspot found Linkedin 272% more effective at delivering leads than Facebook or Twitter
6. 80% of all social media leads come from Linkedin
7. Linkedin drives 50% of social traffic to b2b sites
8. Content on the Linkedin news feed receives 9 billion impressions per week
9. Only 3 million users (1% of all users) actually share content and make use of the impressions
10. A picture or image included in the post increases the comment rate by 98%!
Quite a persuasive list I am sure you will agree.
What really stands out for me is the fact that only 1% of users are sharing content! What a missed opportunity.