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| less than a minute read

Leadership and Achieving Success in Professional Services Marketing with Yasemin Baird of Montagu Evans

During this podcast we discuss how professional services marketing differs from traditional b2c/b2b and I ask Yasemin what her marketing philosophy is. We explore how Yasemin defines and measures success for the team and the business and this extends into Yasemin's favourite marketing execution to date.

Yasemin Baird is the Head of Marketing at leading property consultants, Montagu Evans in London.

A key takeaway from our conversation was how Yasemin's (and Montagu Evans) leadership revolves around transparency and clear communication. Whether that was for their rebrand, sharing objectives/success internally or the current rapidly changing world we live in. I have no doubt this has lead to their business success.

To close, Yasemin explained that her piece of advice for marketers building their careers would be to be flexible in your role, communicate well and learn when to say yes or no. 

Some brilliant insights were shared and I hope you enjoy the 15 minutes!  

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content marketing, b2b marketing, e2e, podcast, best practice, marketing, leadership, people