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| less than a minute read

Passle Podcast: A sneak peek into the life of a Client Success Consultant with Alex Reid

I had the pleasure of creating a podcast with the fabulous Alex Reid, to learn about what his first few months have been like since joining the Client Success Team here at Passle. 

In this podcast, we talk about:

1. What Alex was initially looking for in his first role after graduating from University

2. Expectation vs Reality

3. A run through of what a typical day looks like in the role of a Client Success Consultant

4. How Alex has found working remotely 

To finish off, Alex offers up one excellent piece of advice for any future recruits coming into the Client Success team to help them get off to a really strong start.

For anyone who likes the sound of what they heard and is interested in job opportunities within Client Success, please get in touch to find out more -


e2e, marketing, professional services, podcast, talent, people, clientsuccess, working for passle