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Passle’s Hero Spotlight: Jennifer Conley

Introducing our latest Hero in our Spotlight Series. Join us in celebrating the pioneering work of one of legal marketing and BD’s superstars, Jennifer Conley.

We’re lucky to catch up with Jennifer to get her thoughts on what it takes to implement and grow a successful thought-leadership program that makes business development easier. 

Jennifer shares her insight on key strategies to gain buy-in from attorneys, including:

  • The importance of demonstrating how a thought-leadership platform makes writing content faster, more efficient, and easier to create
  • How expert-generated content opens conversations and creates business development opportunities 
  • The impact of good thought-leadership in growing your book of business and adding more value to the firm
A story means so much more than saying to attorneys, and everyone else, use this tool, it’ll be really helpful. Having the backup for that will make it very clear to anyone that is interested in growing their thought leadership to participate.

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e2e, marketing, professional services, herospotlight