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| 1 minute read
Reposted from Tinker Taylor Insights

6 video types that are proven to work for professional services firms.

Smart interview below with Brain Gribben of Olswang on how video could be used by the legal sector to increase new business... 

I would, however, take that one step further and say that video communications should be embraced by the legal sector and indeed, by some bold and forward-thinking firms, already is.

We are generating some very exciting results for law, corporate finance, PE and accountancy firms - and here is the key bit - with significant and measurable return on investment.

Here are 6 types of video we are producing for our brave clients. Firms that have 'dipped their toes' in the video waters - and are loving the leads, meetings and mandates their video content is generating.

1. Partnership videos

- happy clients talking about their long-term relationship with the firm and how that partnership has helped them become the successful, thriving business they are today. 

2. Deal videos

-  used to win pitches and enhance negotiations, as part of the sales process. 

3. Sector expertise videos

- Partners and thought leaders from the firm, sharing their knowledge and opinions. Giving insight.  Great Passle Hero content.

4. Recruitment videos

- beautifully shot people profiles, illustrating to potential employees why 'the firm' is such an exciting and rewarding place to work. Great for retention too.

5. Internal Communications

- videos disseminating critical information or the latest exciting, inspiring news to staff, who are often spread far and wide. Great for motivating the workforce.

6. Event videos

- film your charity ball, annual awards event or conference. Great for PR, client retention, NBD and internal communications!

TINKER TAYLOR has been producing videos for the professional services sector for the last 10 years.  If you know you 'probably should', but are still not entirely convinced - feel free to get in touch.  

CT: Do you have a favourite digital marketing trend? BG: Developments within digital video could offer the legal sector a chance to talk to their clients in new and interesting ways. Listening to a lawyer talk can be more effective than reading a whitepaper or briefing document. Video also offers the chance to showcase other initiatives within a firm such as their CSR programme, and really bring the brand to life.

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content marketing, business development, legal marketing, marketing, olswang, b2b marketing, b2b content, video marketing, video production, video