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| 1 minute read

Cialdini's 6 principles of persuasion are powerful but only use 3 at a time!

Reciprocity, Scarcity, Authority, Consistency, Liking and Consensus - if you are a regular reader of our posts here at Passle you'll have heard all about Cialdini's 6 principles of persuasion before (if not, watch the video below).

When it comes to content marketing/social selling I often talk about just three:

  • Reciprocity - if you share interesting content with someone that helps them solve their problems they are likely to help you in return.  I have closed a number of deals on the back of this by using our tool ISTATOY
  • Liking - if you show through your content that you have similarities to your target audience you will have more influence (this is not rocket science :)
  • Authority - showing your expertise will place you in a position of power when talking about other subjects - like what you are trying to sell.  What is interesting is you can adopt authority.  In this post I am adopting Cialdini's authority.

What I found out the other week when listening to Dan Connors from Applied Influence Group is that it is just as well I only use three.  Dan said that if you use more than 3 of these 'tactics' at any one time whilst trying to persuade someone to do something - or believe something you tell them - they will not work.  We have in-built radar that makes us feel uncomfortable when someone is trying to 'over sell' to us.  

So if you think that Cialdini is right about his 6 principles of persuasion be sure to only use 3 at a time!

See also:

6 Principles of Persuasion in his classic book Influence, Dr. Robert Cialdini When making a decision, it would be nice to think that people consider all the available information in order to guide their thinking. But the reality is very often different. In the increasingly overloaded lives we lead, more than ever we need shortcuts or rules of thumb to guide our decision-making. My own research has identified just six of these shortcuts as universals that guide human behavior, they are: 1. Reciprocity; 2. Scarcity; 3. Authority; 4. Consistency; 5. Liking; 6. Consensus

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content marketing, b2b marketing, e2e, cialdini, reciprocity, authority, liking, goto