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Coca Cola & FMCG Companies Are Looking To Chief Growth Officers - Perhaps You Should Too

In the last five years, FMCG companies such as Coca Cola, Colgate-Palmolive, Coty and Mondelēz have restructured their approach to marketing.

In mature industries where growth is incremental and hard won, these giants are delivering a clear message as to their ambitions.

What Coke has realised is that marketing represents just one factor in the growth equation. Coca Cola are synonymous with excellence in marketing. They have brought together technology, talent and RnD under one leadership umbrella to continue that excellence. 

Most interestingly the mandate is no longer "marketing" but growth. Perhaps as marketers we need to be more aware of our overarching business goals. Perhaps also, senior business leaders need to consider remapping their approach to growth in order to achieve their ambitions.

“Growth depends on a longer term vision and enterprise-wide execution of strategy. This requires that organisational complexity is not merely minimised but is managed in a comprehensive manner, often challenging the prevailing way of doing things and altering corporate culture.”

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b2b marketing, marketing, marketing strategy, growth strategy, content marketing, e2e