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| 1 minute read

Katherine McPherson Explains How To Approach ABM for Law Firms

Reading the latest pmforum magazine I was drawn to this article. I have heard of Fieldfisher's excellent approach to Marketing and BD and was interested to learn more! 

I refer to the section below because it resonates with the correct approach to a high performing ABM strategy and the questions you should be asking yourself when producing communications for a target client. 

Here are a number of other key areas to consider when producing content and process to 're-engage' and attract or 'refill' your target audiences: 

  • Edelman's and LinkedIn's 5 Characteristics of Most Successful Thought Leadership:
    • Relevant and Applicable - It is timely and relevant to a spcific project the recipient is currently working on
    • Staying Current - It is focused on current industry topics
    • Industry Insights - It provides insights on specific trends and challenges within the target customer's industry
    • Digestible - It is easily consumable
    • Trusted Source - It is forwarded by someone the recipient knows and respects
  • Cialdini's 6 Weapons of Influence 
    • Reciprocity - People like to return a favour
    • Consistency - People learn through repetition
    • Social Proof - We are influenced by the actions of others
    • Liking - We are phenomenal suckers for flattery
    • Authority - Standing on the shoulders of giants
    • Unity - People are influenced by people they identify with

If account based marketing is a first for you, Andrea Clatworthy of Fujitsu provides an introduction here (video).

spend that time instead on engaging with people, talking to clients and keeping the relationships warm.” She is particularly aware of the “tough job” that partners have in constantly “refilling and re-engaging with their base of contacts and making sure they are still relevant”. Collaborating with fee-earners and clients in this way is “very personal and labour-intensive”, she says. She rejects the “spray and pray” or scattergun approach used by some marketing teams. “We are very, very focused. When we work with our partners we are discussing the key issues with them. Who do you want to work for? How do we get you talking to them? How do you communicate in a way that shows them you want to work for them? How do we keep the relationship warm?…”


content marketing, b2b marketing, e2e, account based marketing, abm, sales, legal