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Good news stories- Week 5!

Yes, believe it or not, another week has flown by with a lovely Easter bank holiday slap bang in the middle.  I wasn't really looking forward to it due to the fact that I was meant to be sunning myself on a greek island from Saturday onwards.  However, my wife compared the weather as you do,  to find that it was a good 10 degrees warmer in good old blighty (little victories!) over the weekend.

The good news comes thick and fast this week and here is a good collection of some of the best:

Army veteran smashes NHS fundraising target- A 99-year-old army veteran completed 100 laps of his Bedfordshire garden with the aid of a walking frame.  Tom Moore initially aimed to raise £1,000 but to his amazement, after just a week, he had raised an amazing £2million and counting  See full article here

Aircrew fly in to give NHS staff a taste of first-class-  'Project Wingman' is a tea and empathy scheme that has been set up by a number of different airline staff in various hospitals in the UK.  The idea is to replicate a first-class lounge for exhausted NHS workers to relax in after their long shifts.  See full article here

Live theatre is still running despite the lockdown- Since the closure and lockdown of all auditoriums worldwide, theatres have been picking tapes of previous shows to stream online.  However, this has gone one step further as thousands of work deprived performers have started live-streaming their own performances in their front rooms.  See full article here

Belper moo relieves lockdown misery- A crazy town in Derbyshire has overcome boredom and misery for two minutes every day.  At 18.30 without fail, the whole town of Belper, lean out of their windows and let out moo sounds.  See full article here

People thank key workers with easter eggs- Across the UK, people have been donating thousands of eggs to key workers in a sweet attempt to bring a smile to their faces and thank them for their hard work and bravery.  See full article here

Newcastle football clubs injured goalkeeper gets back to full health with help of girlfriend- Martin Dubravka has made more saves than any other goalkeeper in the English premiership this season.  He got injured just before the lockdown and with help from his girlfriend's penalty and free-kick taking in the garden combined with a rehab program, he is nearing full fitness.  See full article here

Long lost sisters in lockdown together- Sue Bremner and her husband have been stranded in New Zealand due to the lockdown and it has given her the chance to catch up with her long lost sister who she didn't realise existed for more than 40 years!  See full article here 

Keith Watson, 101, recovers from COVID-19- Another great story of an elderly man taking on and beating the virus.  Keith was admitted to hospital after a nasty fall but contracted COVID-19 shortly after but with the help of the nurses in a Worcestershire hospital, he beat it and returned home.  See full article here

Easter egg sales are strong online- Hotel Chocolat, like most retailers, is struggling without the presence of bricks and mortar shops.  However, online reports show that they have surpassed last years Easter egg sales.  See full article here

Gang life has stopped during the lockdown- Gang violence and rivalries have been put on hold as members follow social distancing rules.  The head of Gangsline Foundation Trust, Sheldon Thomas, believes that most day-to-day operations have stopped.  See full article here

In other news, the New Zealand prime minister was right about the Tooth fairy and Easter bunny being key workers.  

They both appeared in our household over the weekend to bring much-needed laughter - although the positioning of the rabbit's head was a bit of a problem for some!

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