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| 1 minute read

Cooking Content with Psychological Safety

Psychological safety is the first of five characteristics listed under Google's research into 'What makes a successful team?'. 

It is the ability for members of a team to take risks without feeling insecure or embarrassed.

Watching this behind the scenes interview of what goes into serving the 600 dishes a day at Michelin-Starred Taiwanese strip mall restaurant, Kato, refreshingly reminded me of the benefits which come through empowering your team to take action and learn from their experiences. 

Head Chef, Jon Yao, explains how with new chefs they are "always willing to make that investment in allowing someone to get better". This might mean they have to pay the cost of a few ingredients which are sullied at the hands of a junior chef; ultimately however, it enables their team to learn quicker by gaining hands on experience. 

Contrasting the more prolific perception of a kitchen dynamic with Gordon Ramsey as head chef, leading through positive reinforcement over instilling fear will support your team in developing their skillset, growing confidence, and infuse their personality into their work. As Yao explains "everyone has their different style".

The more I think about this, the more I realise it is the same process to successfully getting your team to create content. 

For professionals who want to create content: 

  1. Show them what best practice looks like 
  2. Encourage them to learn with hands-on experience 
  3.  Identify opportunities for improvement using positive reinforcement 
  4. Support them with bringing their own style, flair, and personality into the creation process
  5. and finally, Use an approval process as both a safety net and for delivering constructive feedback  
How a Master Chef Built a Michelin-Starred Taiwanese Restaurant in a Strip Mall — Mise En Place

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content marketing, b2b marketing, e2e, psychological safety, leadership, management