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| 1 minute read

Legal Marketers - Advice for 2021 from Sadie Baron, CMO of Reed Smith

If you are in legal marketing or have an ambition to be a legal marketeer in 2021 the video below is a must-watch.  Here at Passle, we are lucky enough to work with Reed Smith and their CMO Sadie Baron.

In the video below, Sadie shares the skills she sees as being important to have a successful career in legal marketing in 2021:

Get the basics right: You must be able to write, you must understand all Marketing, Business Development, and communications - and how they work together and in a partnership environment you have to be able to influence people.

In the new Virtual World we now exist in data and how data is interpreted and used is key.  Content is definitely still king but it is no good if you do not know who you are sending the content to and what engagement around the content you are creating.  Feedback, feedback, feedback!

"If you are a data geek, a data scientist or even a data inputter I think you are going to be really important in 2021" CMO Reed Smith

Content is still very important but the challenge is to make it engaging and interactive? 

For me (and for those of you who know me this will be no surprise) it is what Sadie says about technology that resonated the most as I say this most days!  

Verbatim Sadie says

"Law firms have a lot of marketing technology already but we really don't know how to get the best out of it so again if  you know how to make the most out of technology I think 2021 could be the year you really soar"

I 100% agree with Sadie.  If you have technology like Passle, like Lexology, like Introhive, like Google Analytics or other tracking tools learn how they all work.  More importantly work out how the data you get from all of them can be packaged and presented back to your CMO, Business Development Chief, CFO, and most importantly to your lawyers.  There is a demand for this information as we have now have to remain virtually close to our clients.  It will help you in your career - I am sure of it!  Take note of this advice from Sadie...

“Content is king, but if you don’t understand who you are sending your information to – it’s a bit of a loss!”. "Data Geeks out there, I think it is your time in 2021" "If you know how to make the most out of technology I think 2021 could be the year you really soar" Sadie Baron, CMO, Reed Smith

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content marketing, b2b marketing, e2e, data, legal marketing, 2021, leadership, marketing, people, goto