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| 1 minute read

A surprisingly effective format

The other day I was asked to create a short video with an end-of-year message (see it here). In all honesty, I wasn't terribly keen on the idea but could see that it might be worth a try. However, I have been really taken aback by how incredibly easy it was and how little other resource was needed.  What has been fantastic and a surprise is the level of positive feedback I have received from the people I was hoping to communicate with.  I really cannot recommend it enough as a way of staying 'virtually close' to those who are important to you.

After working from our offices at home for so long, we pretty much all now have everything we need to make a one-person talking-head video. I opted to record using QuickTime but could just as easily have used Zoom. All that was needed was a quiet part of the day with as much natural light as possible and, after a few false starts, my three-minute message was captured. 

I uploaded the file directly, without any editing and, after adding a bit of text for context, sent it off for approval.

The result was a short, extremely authentic video that has driven far more positive feedback than I anticipated. 

The point of this post is to encourage others to try the format. One presenter, making one point, a short 2 to 5 minute video and you're done. For time-pressured Professionals, it is a really concise, authentic, personal format that I highly recommend.

btw, I think I should have introduced myself at the start of the recording.

In this 3 minute video, I look at why some of the changes forced upon us should be embraced.

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