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| 3 minute read

Essential Legal Marketing Research: What every Legal Marketer should be reading.

Research into what is happening in the world of legal marketing is essential as the legal industry evolves and marketing professionals play an ever greater role in shaping law firms’ success. 

Whether you’re a seasoned Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) or aspiring to lead legal marketing efforts, staying informed about industry research, trends and strategies is essential. 

In this blog post, we explore five legal marketing research reports that every CMO at a law firm should read. These reports provide valuable insights into financial performance, client expectations, and innovative approaches.

1. 2023 Report on the State of the Legal Market

Published by Georgetown Law and the Thomson Reuters Institute

The legal market faces uncertainty in 2023. Researched by Thompson Reuters, the 2023 Report on the State of the Legal Market highlights headwinds such as slowing demand, less client spend optimism, higher expenses, falling productivity, and inflation. 

Partners may feel less well-off due to record-low productivity and economic challenges. Understanding these trends, and following the research that identifies them will be crucial for CMOs navigating a shifting landscape.

The report provides a roadmap for strategic decision-making in the year ahead.



2. Dynamic Law Firms Report 2023

Published by Thomson Reuters

The Dynamic Law Firms Report 2023 is research that delves into the strategies and behaviors of law firms that consistently outperform their peers. Analyzing a 10-year period, this report identifies sustained growth strategies and challenges faced by law firms. Key findings include the significance of total billable hours, a shift towards transactional practices, and the impact of investment choices.

The methodology compares dynamic firms (top 25%) with static firms, providing actionable insights for CMOs seeking long-term success.



3. Passle's General Counsel Research

Published by Passle

We'd be remiss here to miss out the Passle General Counsel Survey. The research which analysed the way General Counsel engage with thought leadership from their legal services suppliers.

Findings that would interest legal marketers include time spent reading content, how content impacts law firm perception and work winning and how General Counsel prefer to consume content.

Read the report here



4. 2023 Legal Trends for Mid-Sized Law Firms

Published by Clio

Mid-sized law firms encounter unique challenges. The 2023 Legal Trends for Mid-Sized Law Firms report explores financial performance, personal well-being, and client relationships. It benchmarks data on billables, collections, and hourly rates. It also examines work preferences, client expectations, and opportunities for innovation. For CMOs in mid-sized firms, this report unlocks growth opportunities and efficiency strategies



5. Marketing Partner Forum Survey

Published by Thompson Reuters

Featured first at the 2023 Annual Marketing Partner forum and consisting of global responses from large and midsize law firms, the survey gathered data online from October to December 2022. Survey participants consisted primarily of the marketing or business development leaders within their firms.
Read the report here



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research, survey, compilation, e2e, professional services, marketing, best practice, legal