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| 2 minute read

A Landmark Event in Legal Marketing: Highlights from CMO Series Live NYC

Last week, we proudly hosted the inaugural CMO Series Live event in New York City, which one CMO hailed as “the largest gathering of C-level marketing executives in legal marketing history.”

Held in the vibrant heart of New York City, this event was inspired by the ever-growing CMO Series Podcast, which now tops over 500,000 listens. The day was packed with learning, best practice sharing, and networking opportunities. Over 200 CMOs and senior-level marketers attended, alongside 15 exhibitors from leading digital, design, and distribution companies. The agenda also featured 24 exceptional speakers from the world's top firms.

Subscribe to receive more insights from the day and the full session videos as soon as they are released. 

Adding to the event's New York flair, the guest speakers (along with the rest of Manhattan) saw their names and faces illuminated on the big screen!

We’ve been inundated with glowing feedback from event attendees - one guest said: “Your team did an amazing job establishing a new kind of event in our industry, one that will be used in the same sentence as MPF, which for many years has been considered the only universally recognized experience for law firm CMOs.”

Another guest was inspired to write Passle a fan letter on LinkedIn, stating, “I’ve attended hundreds of events, and this was, hands down, the best one ever.” She continued, “The venue was spectacular and fun! And WOW – I never thought I’d see my friends on a NYC billboard! The execution from start to finish was flawless”.

We’re so grateful to our incredible attendees and speakers for sharing their feedback.

Building on the success of our inaugural CMO Series Live in NYC, we are thrilled to announce our return in 2025. 

Stay tuned for more details coming soon!


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cmoserieslive, cmosl24, e2e, marketing, professional services