Check out this quick video with some timely advice on how to look good on video conferencing tools like Zoom. We are all learning what works best but here is a quick summary:
- Mute your mic when you aren't speaking
- Use video as much as you possibly can
- Rather than verbal agreements (aha, hmmm etc) nod your head, give thumbs up
- Move your camera so that no-one is looking up your nose or just seeing your forehead. Take up at least 3/4 of the screen with your head and shoulders
- Think about what is behind you, lighting and setting
- Dress like you are working. No one wants to see your pyjamas
- Remember you are on video - we can see you typing an email or looking at your phone. Be present!!
- One that I would add is even if you are sharing a deck for most of the call always start and finish on video. It makes it much easier to connect.
Hope this helps.