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| 2 minutes read

Legal podcasts: An untapped marketing strategy

The great thing about podcasts is that they don't have to be expensive to create and distribute. A podcast can provide relevant and important information based on a specific topic, and the audio format continues to increase in popularity.

If you or your firm haven't yet dipped your toes in the 'podcast pool', read on. 

The benefits of a podcast

The Legal Examiner's article How a podcast can benefit your law firm explores how properly created and distributed podcasts can benefit your marketing efforts.

"Through the use of podcasts, in combination with other content marketing tools, lawyers can see real results. You just have to do it properly – with a targeted plan, defined messages, and consistent branding."

Podcasts can:

1. Increase brand awareness

A podcast can be a way for your law firm to create regular, consistently branded online content focusing on your topic(s) of authority.

2. Reach & engage target audiences

Podcasts can be a way to extend your lawyers' reach, present your firm's personality and allow your lawyers to demonstrate their expertise and passion for a particular subject matter. Podcasts can also help expand your professional network and foster new relationships.

3. Maintain existing relationships

A podcast can develop a following, and keep existing audiences engaged, by providing high-quality information of interest.

4. Build credibility & topic authority

A podcast can help your firm demonstrate its knowledge and expertise in particular practice areas. If done well, podcasts can be a highly effective marketing tool for your firm.

5. Become a gateway to other content

Podcasts, amongst other communication channels, can provide a gateway to your firm's other content (eg: website, social media channels, guides etc), thus increasing your exposure and demonstrating credibility.

6. Generate leads

If your target audience is listening, your podcast can help with brand awareness, credibility, showcasing your lawyers' experience in specific areas, and in turn generate leads.

Launching a law firm podcast: what to consider

According to Boyd (attorney and Founder of Paperstreet, a legal marketing firm), you should consider the following factors when looking to launch a law firm podcast:

1. Target audience

Position your firm as an authority in a field by targeting the audience who will be most interested in your key subject matter, rather than creating a podcast for everyone.

2. Content schedule

Make sure that your content is focussed on issues that matter to your target audience. Research within your own firm will help with identifying topics. Create a list, then prioritise content for your intial podcasts.

3. Format & frequency

Consider the format that will work best with your available talent and proposed content. For example, using a single or multiple hosts, and chatting with one guest or several guests.

Choose a length for your episodes, and stick with it. Then establish a realistic frequency.

4. The right technology and promotion

Look to invest in a quality microphone, good conferencing software (if interviewing remotely), and editing software (unless you are looking to outsource your production).

Choose a name for your podcast and add your branding. You may want to consider a separate domain to promote your podcast.

5. Host & syndication

Your audio files will need a home that will allow users to subscribe to your content. There are numerous podcasting apps, but most will pick up podcasts syndicated by Apple or Google Play.

Creating your first podcast

There is a wealth of support online to help with creating your first podcast. Here are a few options to get you going:

Podbean Podcast Academy: How to create a podcast

Buzzsprout: How to start a podcast: Complete step-by-step guide (2022)

Shopify: How to start a podcast in 2022: A step-by-step guide

And finally How to produce a podcast in seven key steps - how we, at Passle, have produced our own Passle podcast CMO Series

A number of cutting-edge law firms have started producing high-quality podcasts and find them to be a very effective tool for reaching young, affluent and educated audiences. With the right podcast, firms can attract not only new clients but also new legal talent.

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professional services, marketing, podcast, e2e, content marketing