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| 1 minute read

The London Law Expo - From Small Beginnings to Fast Growing Tech Firm

Back in 2014, after a year or two of writing code, ripping up code, writing new code we finally decided we had a product that we could bring to market and so we attended our first ever event - the 2014 London Law Expo.  We took the smallest stand available, cobbled together a few marketing materials and started speaking to law firms for the first time.  The reaction was amazing and we had queue of people looking to speak to us.  

5 years on, and now working with some of the biggest and most prestigious law firms in the world we are delighted to be back at the London Law Expo and this time as the "Event Partner".

We'll be on stage, talking about how busy lawyers can start to use their knowledge and expertise to position themselves as recognised thought leaders – all with the aim of retaining key clients and winning new clients.

For too long, Professional Services firms have created insights because they think they should or to make their website look more dynamic.  If you really want a successful content strategy then I really believe it has to be linked to Business Development and Revenue.  If your content strategy is all about informing, helping and educating your existing clients and future clients, then everyone else will fall in neatly behind that.

If you are at the event tomorrow (8th October 2019) then please pop by to say hello or to pick up a Passle cuddly toy that we just got in!

The London Law Expo will explore a wide array of topics, issues and opportunities to assist law firms and legal businesses increase their overall performance, profitability and levels of IT security. As Europe’s largest law expo, the event will take place over 2,500 sqm of floor space.

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content marketing, b2b marketing, e2e, law firm marketing, law firm strategy, b2b sales, b2b content