Jun 07, 2021 The Top 10 UK Law Firms by Number of LinkedIn Followers By Connor Kinnear The team here at Passle recently published our annual UK Legal Thought Leadership Index. There are a number of measurements throughout...
Nov 17, 2020 The reason to turn yourself from a busy expert into a Recognised Thought-Leader ... By Connor Kinnear If you are a "fee earner" working in Professional services it is likely that you are an expert in whichever field you specialise in. ...
Jan 13, 2020 What your Business can Learn from Rugby's "Costliest Mistake"? By Connor Kinnear I was reading this brilliant article today on rugby and it's "costliest mistake" in it's history. To sum it up it was not embracing the...
Oct 07, 2019 The London Law Expo - From Small Beginnings to Fast Growing Tech Firm By Connor Kinnear Back in 2014, after a year or two of writing code, ripping up code, writing new code we finally decided we had a product that we could...
Sep 09, 2019 B2B Buyers do 70% of their research online By Connor Kinnear The piece below in Forbes identifies a dangerous and incorrect assumption - that B2B buyers are less likely to read content online when...
Oct 22, 2018 We don't care about what you sell. What we do care about is your capabilities - MS Amlin's Dr. Paul Taffinder By Freddy Dobinson "The market landscape is shifting quite dramatically for what startups and incumbents need to be thinking about on behalf of their...
Jul 31, 2018 Top Tips on how to Drive B2B Sales with Content Marketing #LinkedIn #Edelman By Connor Kinnear Last year Edelman, the Global PR firm and LinkedIn carried out a joint piece of research that looked at how Thought Leadership can...
Mar 19, 2018 Qualification: The Key to Creating Client-Relevant Content By Freddy Dobinson When done effectively, qualification can be the difference between competing for the wrong projects and positioning your firm's expertise...
Mar 05, 2018 Closing at the end of Quarter: how to influence your late-stage opportunities By Freddy Dobinson Preventing sales opportunities slipping from one month to the next will be a familiar exercise for all of you involved in the commercial...
Feb 26, 2018 Understanding your buyer - Mapping out Influence vs Impact By Freddy Dobinson In their report on 'Selling to the Modern B2B Buyer', Salesforce credit the rise of the "consensus sale" - wherein reps have to engage...
Sep 12, 2017 An easy way to move ahead of your competitors in the b2b buyer's selection process By Passle As an individual working in a growing business, I am always looking for the most efficient ways to generate high quality leads. It is...
Jun 14, 2017 It does not have to take a long time to build social influence By James Barclay If your job is to influence other people - it could be to sell a product, service or idea - and if you are pretty good at it then you...
May 22, 2017 Erm... Annoying filler words and sales outcomes By Tom Elgar One of the markers of good public speaking is to avoid 'ums' & 'erms' we are told. Filler words distract the listener from your message...
Apr 21, 2017 Starting with Account-Based Marketing? The 6 steps to make it a success. By Freddy Dobinson Account-based marketing is becoming a growing practice in B2B firms and can be defined as the alignment of resources with the objective...
Feb 10, 2017 B2B Sales #toptips 2 - Explain the Value not the Functionality By Connor Kinnear When we pitch, sell or market our products and services, all too often we start telling people what it does and how it works. People...
Jan 31, 2017 B2B Sales #toptips 1 - Head Straight to the Top By Connor Kinnear When selling your product or service to another business how do you go about making that first contact with a firm? So often people...