12 October, 2020 Join the buyers' journey earlier as a trusted advisor. By Passle Both leading analysts Gartner CEB (below) and Forrester have found that the buyers' journey has substantially changed prior to contacting...
26 November, 2018 Taking on the big boys - 5 challenges for smaller technology firms By Will Eke I had the pleasure of attending an event last Thursday in London hosted by a tech company in the marketing technology space. The event...
22 October, 2018 We don't care about what you sell. What we do care about is your capabilities - MS Amlin's Dr. Paul Taffinder By Freddy Dobinson "The market landscape is shifting quite dramatically for what startups and incumbents need to be thinking about on behalf of their...
04 December, 2017 How to drive employee advocacy... What you can learn from 'Commander's Intent' By Freddy Dobinson I first came across the concept of Commander's Intent reading The Challenger Sale by Matthew Dixon and Brent Adamson. In brief, this is...
04 December, 2017 Constructive Tension, Thought Leadership & Education: The keys to a successful business relationship By Eugene McCormick Following a recommendation from Spencer George of Pegasystems, I recently got hold of a copy of The Challenger Sale, a very well regarded...