12/9/2014 1:45:02 PM 6 Most effective marketing tactics By Tom Elgar Nice to see that Passle can help with 5 of the Top 6 (other than rating directories). Once you have good content on your blogs then...
11/26/2014 3:32:22 PM Eversheds are Getting it Right By Connor Kinnear Gareth Pezzack the CMO of Eversheds, one of the largest law firms in the UK (and internationally) talks about the importance of their...
11/14/2014 4:21:52 PM Transparency in Professional Service firms By Tom Elgar People in professional services tend to believe that they are 'behind the curve' on social media, technology and, well, anything really. ...
11/14/2014 4:21:42 PM Accel blog velocity over the last 5 years By Tom Elgar We have done a bunch of research in to the number of 'knowledge pieces' that Professional Service firms produce (see the 200.passle.net)....
11/14/2014 4:21:33 PM Embracing your employee's social reach By Tom Elgar A lot of our clients are keen to get their Partners (and others) to share content via their social networks. In practice this means...
10/29/2014 4:27:13 PM Tweeting on a Sunday makes a lot of sense... By Tom Elgar We will be adding scheduling of posts on Passle to address exactly this point, and from there scheduling of tweets too. In the...
10/24/2014 11:34:44 AM The traits of a Partner By Tom Elgar Having spent the last few months talking to Partners in law & accountancy firms, it is remarkable how true Tribaut's six core traits...
10/24/2014 11:32:52 AM How important is the website for a Professional Services firm? By Tom Elgar Very. Taa Daa!
10/21/2014 11:50:29 AM Traits of a 'modern' accountancy By Tom Elgar Accountingweb have been taking a peek at our sales presentation I think!
10/13/2014 10:17:54 AM The right approach to equality in the workplace By Tom Elgar Just as Microsoft's CEO, swan-dived, face-first, into the lions' den with some ill-judged and slightly disturbing comments about women's...
10/13/2014 10:09:22 AM Lawyers rarely sell what their clients are buying By Tom Elgar The title above is one of several nuggets in this Slideshare from Matthew Homann. It again proves how multi-dimensional...
10/13/2014 10:00:11 AM The Importance of Creating Content By Adam Elgar According to MarketingProfs, the most effective and the most challenging tactic for inbound Marketing is Content Creation. The...
10/10/2014 10:23:25 AM Cost / benefit of a blog By Tom Elgar There are, I think, three reasons to have a blog: to demonstrate your expertise to get some Google juice to have a website and...
10/1/2014 4:09:37 PM How to make your prospects in to clients? By Tom Elgar A good run through, with some interesting statistics. I wholeheartedly agree that you must 'tell the story behind the judgement'. ...
9/16/2014 4:17:51 PM How to use the Newsletter Generator By Adam Elgar Newsletters can be a great way to remain in-touch with partners, clients and all the other parts of your ecosystem. And there are several...
9/4/2014 12:00:00 AM Individual Lawyers Need to Blog, Not the Law Firm By Tom Elgar One of our new clients had linked the blog output of their Partners to their bonuses. The result, twice as much content! Sadly twice...