7/30/2019 10:43:38 AM Cultivating your personal brand for success By Passle As the digital space continues to evolve, personal branding has started to change too. It's no longer about the vanity metrics and how...
7/29/2019 1:31:30 PM Sales reps to be paid on usage not deal size, says Salesforce By Tom Elgar We talk about usage of our product almost constantly at Passle. We know that by getting the Experts inside our clients to engage with...
7/29/2019 12:00:00 AM The rule of thirds for content By Samuel Page In photography and design, there is a well-understood concept where the image is broken down into thirds. Each third becomes an important...
7/29/2019 12:00:00 AM I've just launched my new website. So what? By Eugene McCormick I probably speak to about 3 organisations every week who are thinking about or are in the process of installing a new website. Granted,...
7/26/2019 12:00:00 AM Sleep - the most underrated activity? By Passle Some controversial pastiche style billboards have made an appearance on our streets and transport network recently comparing the dangers...
7/25/2019 1:58:54 PM Why create a single when you have enough content for an album? Sharing your insights in a series of posts By Freddy Dobinson Over last weekend I watched the portrayal of Freddie Mercury's extraordinary rise to stardom as the lead singer of Queen in the film...
7/25/2019 12:00:00 AM LinkedIn Profile basics - must dos By James Barclay A friend of mine who works in the US at LinkedIn shared a list of what makes a good LinkedIn profile and pointed towards the article...
7/22/2019 12:00:00 AM 5 powerful free tools to add to your marketing arsenal By Samuel Page As a marketer, there's always something more I wish I could be doing for my firm. Whether its design, video, podcasts or data analysis -...
7/18/2019 12:00:00 AM How to Build a Best in Class Customer Success Team By Freddy Dobinson Sitting in client-facing roles, the majority of events we end up attending are (more often than not) areas of interest to our clients -...
7/16/2019 12:49:54 PM Targeted, insightful, concise! How Legal Marketing Should Look.. By Passle Laura Cutler, Head of Brand & Marketing at Herbert Smith Freehills shared her views last year on where legal marketing was going in the...
7/16/2019 12:00:00 AM People only buy from People if they have to, not because they want to By Adam Elgar "People buy from People" is a much loved mantra for B2B salespeople but it is increasingly untrue. Indeed, if the tectonic shifts in...
7/16/2019 12:00:00 AM Cricket's Coming Home: 4 things your Business can Learn from England's World Cup Winning Campaign By Freddy Dobinson After possibly the most controversial, inspiring, and downright emotionally stressful affair... Cricket is actually coming home... a...
7/15/2019 1:26:06 PM The thought leadership flywheel - Attributes of b2b content that will drive business returns By Passle Edelman and LinkedIn have been producing research below for several years now and once again the top performing content to drive business...
7/15/2019 12:00:00 AM What do legal clients want from their lawyers? By Passle Legal clients are different from buyers in other industries. They are often lawyers themselves and experts in their own right. They have...
7/10/2019 12:00:00 AM Living Ratings - Opportunity to Lead Digitally for Law Firms By Passle The recent PMForum event was hosted by The Living Group who provided an overview into their latest report on the brand and digital...
7/8/2019 4:22:19 PM Get the most info from Twitter via Twitonomy By James Barclay At our User event a few days ago Dan Connors from Applied Influence Group recommended we use Twitonomy to better understand clients and...