May 31, 2019 Putting your feet in your clients' shoes - in my case what makes lawyers tick? By James Barclay When it comes to successful engagement with clients it is important to know who your customers actually are and what makes them tick. ...
May 31, 2019 Law firms embracing technology now will benefit from the efficiencies in the future. By Will Eke I have met with a number of law firms over the past 6 months and 9 times out of 10 they are undergoing, have undertaken or are about to...
May 31, 2019 Passle Podcast - Rainmaker 2019 By Adam Elgar To grow and differentiate themselves, firms are finding that they need to adopt new approaches to leadership. Organisations are looking...
May 31, 2019 Take Control of your Digital Real Estate By Freddy Dobinson Your buyers will be researching you online. Both your company, and in the case of delivering specialist B2B services, you as an...
May 30, 2019 How to use WHITE SPACE to make your PowerPoint slides look less rubbish By Gaya Gajewska 'How do I make my slides look less rubbish?' As a designer, I get asked this question all the time... I frequently get sent my...
May 29, 2019 How to win the talent war By Tom Elgar Mike Turner of Taylor Wessing makes the excellent point that people want more from their jobs than a simple salary. The aim is to be a...
May 28, 2019 Cultivate, don't dictate the culture at your firm. By Will Eke I attended an event hosted by one of our clients last week and it was titled 'managing the workplace risks of using social media' and was...
May 28, 2019 When your personal brand really is ‘personal’ - an example by Daniel Geey in law By Passle Earlier this morning I listened to a podcast (here) from one of our clients, Rahul Gandhi at CMS, about the profile he is building as a...
May 23, 2019 No Pressure: How to Make the Most of the First Two Minutes of an Important Meeting By Jake Sweet We’ve previously discussed the importance of building an influence strategy in complex sales and how it can help you target the most...
May 23, 2019 What is an Expert? By Samuel Page We talk a lot about Experts here at Passle. We use the term Expert-to-Expert to describe our approach to sales and marketing. But what is...
May 22, 2019 Mr esports: How one lawyer is successfully building his personal brand online. Passle Podcast Episode 9 By James Barclay It used to be that to get ahead in any professional service firm it really helped if you were great at schmoozing at dinners in posh...
May 22, 2019 Time = money. Three ways busy professionals can create authentic, effective content quickly & easily By Adam Elgar Within Professional Services, perhaps the easiest place to be able to quantify savings is in reducing wasted billable hours. Most...
May 22, 2019 How to deliver your new website on-time and in-budget By Tom Elgar CMO's famously now have bigger IT budgets than the CTO. As someone who makes and sells marketing software, for me, this is great news....
May 19, 2019 Efficient processes drive huge savings as well as behavioural change By Adam Elgar When we look at new technologies, it is easy to focus on the exciting new changes that they can bring to an organisation and ignore the...
May 15, 2019 Best practice for Legal Thought Leadership By Charles Cousins Over the past month or Passle has undertaken a detailed evaluation of the online presence of the Top 200 UK Law Firms. In this research...
May 15, 2019 Getting engagement with your content. By Samuel Page How can you get valuable, useful insights in front of the people that matter, and get them interacting with those insights? That's the...