2/26/2021 12:00:00 AM Content Best Practice: The power of the 'piece to camera' from leaders By James Barclay Leaders need to move out of their comfort zone. We all know this and most of the time we are pretty good at it however I have been...
2/25/2021 12:00:00 AM See the world through your expert lens By Freddy Dobinson Whether you are interested in football or not, the book on Pep Guardolia's tenure at FC Barcelona (The Barcelona Way) is absolutely...
2/24/2021 12:00:00 AM Looking at change through the lens of disruption By Adam Elgar Like most businesses, we have seen a lot of change in the last few months and, having dealt with the trauma of moving to lockdown, are...
2/24/2021 12:00:00 AM Whiteboard session: How to listen to your clients for insights By Sarah Strachan In this short video I discuss the importance of listening to clients to gain relevant insights and the many ways in which you can do...
2/22/2021 11:30:49 AM Passle Insiders Club Kickoff - Experts Panel By Freddy Dobinson The community of Marketers and Business Development experts in professional services never ceases to amaze us here at Passle. How do you...
2/16/2021 5:45:42 PM Client Success - the lifeblood of SaaS By Passle Customer Success, or Client Success as we call it here at Passle, is the life blood of a SaaS business. Software as a Service products...
2/15/2021 7:02:01 PM Is technology actually making communication easier for leaders? By Passle Communication is being made 'easier' for us every day by technology and during these unprecedented times, this is critical whilst we all...
2/12/2021 12:00:00 AM Happy Lunar New Year: be more ox! By Passle Today marks the Lunar New Year where many people across the world celebrate the arrival of the Year of the Ox. The personality traits of...
2/11/2021 9:31:53 AM Should Law firms Gate their Content or Not? By Connor Kinnear I have had a number of conversations with law firm clients over the last with weeks, discussing whether law firms should "Gate" their...
2/10/2021 5:27:09 PM Insiders Club Kickoff - Teaching each other to fish By Adam Elgar Last Thursday, we held our first Insider Club event of 2021. It brought together some brilliant leaders in Legal and Professional...
2/10/2021 12:42:48 PM Being aware of and minimising bias in performance conversations and hiring By Passle What do we mean when we talk about bias? Bias is an error in judgement. It’s when our conscious or unconscious prejudices affect our...
2/10/2021 12:00:00 AM Passle Insider's Club Kickoff - Rupert Winlaw on Succeeding with Data and Reporting By Sarah Strachan Over the last few years, I've had the pleasure of working with experts from the worlds top professional services firms. We've been seeing...
2/9/2021 12:00:00 AM CMO Series EP 2 - Kevin Iredell of Lowenstein Sandler on the digital transformation of law firms By Passle In this episode of the podcast, Eugene McCormick is joined by Kevin Iredell, CMO at Lowenstein Sandler to discuss technology and the...
2/8/2021 3:00:46 PM Passle Podcast EP 25 - Dan Kayne on the O-shaped lawyer movement. By Will Eke Lawyers need to bring value to their businesses. Being technically brilliant at the law is a part of that, that idea has dominated legal...
2/8/2021 1:42:05 PM Expert Driven Deep Dive with GrowBIG By James Barclay Last month I was kindly invited by Mo Bunnel to speak during his GrowBIG accelerator online program. The audience was professional...
2/8/2021 12:00:00 AM Understanding your Sales team and how to motivate them amidst COVID-19 By Passle Times are tough at the moment for everyone in business and COVID-19 has dragged businesses inadvertently into unchartered waters. Working...